Saturday, June 21, 2008

Our School -Vission

Vision Statement

"To offer unique kind of holistic education which binds modern liberalism with classical grace ; scientific efficiency with human compassion & cultivate an atmosphere of comprehensive learing where the taught can evolve to become more complete human beings"

SCVK -Vision

To make the teaching learning process exciting,meaningful & lasting.

To infuse teaching & learning with devotion & excitement of

*** Discovery and Innovation

*** Excellence and Enjoyment

*** Creativity and Critical thinking

*** Values and Vision

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To improve the education system, I can refer a site called Extramarks. It provides facilities for students like question papers, online test, model test papers, chapter wise question and answers and career guidance. Extramarks bring students, teachers and parents on a single platform to ensure that a child excels academically. For more information check this site